Raspberry Jam Made with Honey
During my first year in London I had a never ending stream of guests who came to stay with me. As I had just graduated from University, most of my friends from Canada were keen to travel and low on money so a free couch to sleep on in central London was an opportunity few could pass on. As well as running a bed and breakfast I also provided tour guide services to those sleeping on my couch, who knew having a comfy couch resulted in a full time hospitality job. Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Big Ben, Hyde Park, Harrods and the London Eye, visitors always wanted to see the same things.
The best part of my tour guide duties was taking visitors for afternoon tea, something quintessentially British they always requested we do. Finger sandwiches with crusts cut off, chocolate strawberries, profiteroles, macaroons and lemon tarts. In my pre SCD days this was my idea of heaven. My favourite item was the scones with clotted cream and jam. I would top each scone with a thin layer of clotted cream and then about half a cup of jam (not joking) the waiter usually had to bring around a refilled bowl of jam three or four times an afternoon (this was usually accompanied with a perplexed look, I think they started to wonder whether I was drinking it through a straw).
I absolutely love jam and was so excited to discover that it can be made using honey instead of sugar. The flavor is exactly the same and the consistency is very similar (its not quite as jelly like but very close). This jam can be canned, kept in a container in the fridge for 3-4 weeks, or made into seriously delicious thumbprint cookies. Happy Jamming!
If you make this recipe let me know in the comment section below, I would love to hear what you think or take a photo and tag me (@everylastbite_) on Instagram, I love seeing your photos!

Raspberry Jam
- 5 cups Raspberries
- 3 tbsp honey or maple syrup to make it vegan
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp lemon zest
- In a sauce pan combine the raspberries, honey, lemon zest and juice
- Place the oven on the stove over low heat
- Cook for 25-30 minutes stirring occasionally to ensure it does not burn. Continue to cook until the mixture has thickened to a jam like consistency, the longer you cook it the more it will thicken.
- Once thickened to your desired consistency remove from stove and store in a container in the fridge for up to 3 weeks or in a sterilized jar.
Can this jam be canned?
Hi Carmen,
Can this be made with strawberries instead? If yes, what quantity of strawberries would be good?